I am very happy that our lives are seasons and that that season is over. A wise woman once said to me that we all have down times, but we need to get to a point in our lives where down doesn't also mean out.
Life has been pretty even keel for the last month and a half. I have been taking much joy in leading our life group, even though I feel I have a lot to learn as a leader I know that I am called to lead this group and to endure and mature in the process.
I have been privileged to watch Sarah struggle and bounce back as well. I am so thankful that God is leading us down the same path and even though we may hit our own ruts in the road, we are at the same place, together when the road is smooth again. Watching Sarah's journey is like watching a rose in bloom, from bud to flower, getting more beautiful every day. I love her heart and am so blessed that I have her in my life.
I have been getting back into biking, the battle of bulge (my waistline) continues. I have the strangest metabolism, I can bounce from 195 to 185 within a couple days. But the time has come and I need to loose weight. Biking to work with my father in-law has helped tremendously, he keep me motivated and getting up each morning.
I am playing with the idea of joining Tae Kwon Do with Noah, we'll see where that goes.
Much of my time lately has been spent on Facebook. I have really put it down in the past and at one point had signed up and then stopped using it. The second time around here I am really enjoying it. I can't tell you how many friendships I have been able to reconnect with thanks to Facebook, as a result my perspective has changed greatly. Blessings!!
Good to see you post again. Not to tell you what to write, but if you are leading a small group perhaps you could post your thoughts through the week for the group and post it here. (If you want to be a keener!) Anywho, good to hear you are getting back to exercising out. Myself I've been working hard on doing that as well. But it is a struggle.
Re: the first blurb: I really like that saying about being down and not nessarily "out". What wise woman said that?
Re: the Sarah blurb: Aw!!!!
Re: the biking blurb: WAY TO GO!
Re: Tae Kwon Do blurb: that would be interesting, but probably very cool for you and Noah.
Re: the EvilBook blurb: blech! I am standing my ground and still putting it down.
I am glad that you keep posting things! Reading yours and Sarah's blog helps me feel more in touch with you guys and what's going on in your life - on the inside. I love you Joe. (Corey)
I just absolutly love you!!!!
get off evilbook and get back to blogging.
okay, what nin said....
but she can't really call it that anymore since she's a part of the evilness....
time for another update for the rest of us boring bloggers....
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