It is amazing how this example really sums up how I am feeling right now. I am just rushing along on the wings of life and yet somehow, it feels like life is passing me by.
Is this how I am coping with the grief of losing my son? A good part of me is hoping so and therefore I am doing little to stop it. But there is a part of me that tells me it is wrong and that I have got to snap out of it.
At first it felt good to have the busyness of getting the basement finished, as it helped me to get my mind off of Caleb and the hurt I was feeling, but now I am seeing it as an escape and a way not to deal with things.
Of course as Christmas approached work became busier and busier, then we ourselves got into the "routine" of rushing around to the different homes. And now that everything is over I find myself bitter.
I am angry that I only had a week after Caleb passed before having to go back to work . I am resentful that our contractor needed to be done our basement before Dec 15th, leaving a load of work for me and no time to grieve. I am frustrated how differently my wife and I are dealing with grieving and how we never seem to be able to see eye to eye. I am upset that it seems I have no time to deal with the loss of my son and that I feel so distant from God.
In many ways it feels like nobody cares about my grieving process, I am just expected to go back to normal life.
Well, sorry for pooping all over you, just venting.
Everything you're feeling is completely normal,
the resentment, anger, bitterness, frustration.... it totally makes sense that it would all start to surface now.....when everything is dying down, and the things that need to get done are lessening.
We are ALL here for you, no matter how you walk out your grieving, no matter how long it takes, or when it comes out.
Let us know if there's anything you need. We love you. We support you. We grieve WITH you and FOR you. *hugs*
-Nin and hub
Hey Firestarter, hmmm, well you are a good man JW. You are doing pretty darn well for the rollercoaster ride that you have been on. Grieving takes longer when you don't get the time or space you need, but rest assured you are not abandoned and you are a fabulous husband and father. Keep waking up and your Father who loves you dearly will keep walking with you. I hope this doesn't sound trite. God bless you:)
I pray I'm everything that I can be for you in this time....
You are the champion of my heart!
I admire the strength it took to write this post, it's really hard to be honest with ourselves sometimes and I am so glad that you are facing your feelings. Our prayers are with you!
Barry & Crystal
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