Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Just Be.......

Wow what a lesson this has been for me. I have been struggling in my Christian walk, my foundations are being rocked on every side. I am taking all the pressures of my life including my present and future and they are crushing me. And then I hear......just be. What a concept. I like the term "sparrow faith". God looks after even the sparrows, then how much more will He look after me as a heir of His throne. The sparrow does not frett where its next meal will come from, neither should I.
It is amazing what just being does. Whenever the thought comes to me about some huge decision I have to make, I am simply confronting that thought with "that is in God's hands not mine". I don't need to worry about anything becuase He is in control. I am just here to serve, to listen to Daddy's voice.
I have been way too focused on myself and staring at my feet and my circumstances. If God wants to move me He will. What a concept. I am so much more relaxed. I am not worried about that problem that may pounce on me around the corner. When I run into s situation with a client and am asking God what do you want me to learn through this? Embrace the trials for you will emerge on the other side with a blessing and knowlege how to slay that dragon the next time you face him.

You know what happens when you run from a dragon? You get burned in the butt!!!

Well I have some pretty charded buns, and I have douced the flames with my own tears.


Trail Rider said...

Hey, lucky me that I get to look after those buns!!! Hee hee
You are an amazing man! Your heart blesses me sooo much. I just want you to know that I want to be there for you in any way I can.

Your post looks almost identical to flowerlady's! Resting in the fact that God is control, there's no better place to know that when you are in these spots! God will lead us where he needs us.

Trail Rider said...

love the pic it totally adds!

Nin said...

I like that saying, when you run from the dragon you get burned in the butt! Thats so true ;)
I read in this book that you need to go THROUGH the valley, just like the verse says, even though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Not walk around it, fly over it, or run away from it, but walk THROUGH it, it's the best place to be. Love you!

Moose said...

Wow bro. Man I am not the only one who is getting burned in the buns LOL...sparrow faith...good phrase man. Yeah it seems if we look after the little important things, the big things will look after themselves. Blessings Bro.

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